gINT Civil Tools Professional Help

Interacting with the gINT Civil Tools Database

Before retrieving boreholes from the gINT database, you need to provide the database connection information and then create a mapping of the columns from the database that match the gINT Civil Tools borehole's information. This is known as Database Connectivity and Mapping.

There are two main sections in this dialog: Project, which is used to define connection parameters for access to a gINT project, and Borehole, which is used for database mapping (defining the PointID table and columns).

The following graphic describes the Project tab, this section of the dialog allow you to define the type and path to a gINT project (either a. gpj file or a SQL Server database). Once a connection is made, it is by default stored in the design file and can be reused next time the DGN file is opened. It can also be saved and loaded in other files.

Boreholes can be read from an Access database, a Microsoft Excel database or from a SQL Server database (available with gINT Civil Tools Professional Plus only). The first database connection parameter is the Database Type (1). It will specify if the gINT database is an Access database (gINT .gpj Project), a Microsoft Excel database or a SQL Server database (Microsoft SQL Server .Net Provider). It is also possible to open an already existing database configuration defined in an .xml file using the two buttons located near the top of the dialog (2). In the same manner, the current configuration can be saved in an .xml file.

Selecting the database type will change the connection parameters.

gINT Project (MS Access)

Note: To connect to an Access database, you must download and install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. Use the following link to download and install the MS Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.





The name of the database to connect to.



Indicates which gINT library to use, if any.

User ID


User identifier. Needed if database accessibility is protected.



The password to connect. Needed if database accessibility is protected.

Microsoft Excel




The Microsoft Excel file to connect to.

Borehole ID

The name of the column in which the IDs of the boreholes are stored.

Header Rows

The number of rows that are used as headers in the excel file. Those rows will be ignored and their content will not be loaded.

Note: In order to use a Microsoft Excel Database Type, the following requirements must be met:
  • No spaces in table names
  • No spaces at the end of table names
  • No spaces at the end of column names
  • Table and column names start with a letter (numbers not permitted)
  • No duplicates in table and column names
  • No special characters (only letters and numbers permitted)
Note: When using a Microsoft Excel database, the following tools are not available:
  • New Borehole
  • Query All Projects
  • Update Z

Microsoft SQL Server .Net Provider





The SQL Server database to connect to.



The name of the initial catalog or database in the data source.


This is the name of the project from the selected database.

It is possible to store multiple projects in the same Database. This is where the user selects which one to use.



Indicates which gINT library to use, if any.

Windows Authentication


Integrated security. Whether the connection is to be a secure connection or not.

User ID


User identifier. Needed if database accessibility is protected.



The password to connect. Needed if database accessibility is protected.

Persist Security Info

When false, security-sensitive information such as the password is not returned as part of the connection (safer).

When the connection parameters are completed, the connection can be initiated using the Connect to the database (3) switch. If successful, Connected will appear in the status bar (4) at the bottom right of the dialog.

The following graphic shows the Borehole tab, this section of the dialog allows you to define the point table; what is the table name and the different columns for the points. You can also optionally define:

  • an orientation and a plunge (even with Curved boreholes)
  • a set of additional properties that will be loaded with each point
  • a custom cell (symbol) for the 2D symbolization, or property-based symbolization (cell based on point's properties)

Use the Borehole tab to translate the information stored in the database into gINT Civil Tools Elements. The Location property must be defined to make the elements. The User can also choose to define Borehole Orientation, Other Properties and Hyperlinks.

Location (mandatory)

Location Table - This is the table name for the boreholes. Because most of the time people will load boreholes, it is the word used in the user interface. However, this can refer to any subsurface location type such as test pits and monitoring wells.

Easting - The column containing the easting (x) coordinate of the boreholes.

Northing - The column containing the northing (y) coordinate of the boreholes.

Elevation - The column containing the elevation (z) coordinate of the boreholes.

Hole Depth - The column containing the total depth of the boreholes.

Data Type Representation (optional)

Size - By default, the value is set to 1 unit of resolution. If the DGN is in meter, it will be one meter. When the size is edited, this new value will be used the next time boreholes will be queried from the gINT Project.

Borehole Representation - Lets you select which cell (symbol) will be used for boreholes in 2d models. If nothing is selected, the default cell will be used.

Level Creation - Lets you define on which levels the boreholes and the boreholes decoration will be created.
  • Default - creates the boreholes elements on the Boreholes level and the boreholes decoration (cells) on the Boreholes_Decoration level.
  • Property - creates levels for each unique value of the selected property.
  • CellName - creates levels based on cell names.
  • CellDescription - creates levels based on the description of the cell.
  • Numeric - creates levels based on a numeric value.

    When you click the <…> it opens the Level Generation dialog to configure the numeric level creation.

    Equal number of values: Will result in the same number of elements on each level.

    The number and the range for each level will be determined by the queried data. For the same project, if we query all Boreholes it might results in: Total Depth 0-20, Total Depth 20-25 and Total Depth 25-26. Then if we query only few boreholes, it might result in: Total Depth 2-2, Total Depth 2-25 and Total Depth 25-26.

    Equal number of classes: The number of class will not change and the number of elements on each level will vary. Some level might be empty because no element falls into this category.

    For example, if you specify four classes for a field whose values range from 0 to 26, the application will create those four classes: 0-6, 6-13, 13-19 and 19-16.

    Some levels might be empty because no element falls into this category:

Level Prefix - Lets you specify a prefix that will be added at the beginning of the level name. For example, if Geotech is specified, then each level to be created will start with Geotech_

Level Property - Lets you select a property used for the level creation. This option is available when the Level Creation option is set to "Property".

Survey (optional)

Depth - The table and column containing the borehole's depth to apply the plunge and the bearing. This is optional.

Plunge - The table and column containing the definition for the plunge angle of the borehole. This is optional.

Bearing - The table and column containing the definition for the bearing angle of the borehole. This is optional.

Other Properties (optional)

Properties are additional information that will be retrieved from any table of the connected project.

To add a property, a table from the connected database must be selected as well as a column from the table. If all the columns are to be added, the Populate Selected Table will bring all the columns from the selected table. The added other properties will be displayed as element properties when a borehole is selected in gINT Civil Tools.

Hyperlink (optional)

Hyperlinks allow you to attach documents to a gINT Civil Tools element, such as a report file.

Prefix - Lets you specify the prefix of the hyperlink that will link each borehole to an external resource. Typically used to link to the log files (PDF), it can also be used to link any sort of document or images. The prefix can be a file path, e.g. "C:\data\project123\files\"; or can be a web URL, e.g. http://myserver/sharepoint/logs/. A configuration variable can also be used.

Variable Field - Lets you specify the variable portion of the hyperlink. If the hyperlink is used to point to log files and each file is named by the Borehole ID, you will select the Borehole ID as the variable part.

Suffix - Lets you specify the second fixed value of the hyperlink. If the hyperlink is used to link to PDF files, this will be set to ".PDF" (this is the default value for this field). This is optional.

Default Cell

When working in 2D, a custom cell (symbol) for the 2d symbolization, or property based symbolization (cell based on borehole's properties) can be added.

By selecting a Default Cell, a symbol and a width can be attributed to the top of the borehole.

Property - Lets you select the property to define a specific symbology.

Comparator - The different Comparators are Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Starts With, and Ends With. The Comparators are used in conjunction with the value specified.

Value - Lets you specify the property value. If a gINT library (glb file) is specified in the Project tab, the list of values will be populated with values contained in this library.

Symbology - Lets you select the cell to be used when the specified criteria is met.
Note: The symbology rule is case-sensitive.